Wednesday 13 April 2011

Things you never thought you'd say: Volume I

-In the last year and a half, conversations have gone a bit wierd.

Along with the usual kinda things, there's a whole sub directory of things have been added that when you hear it back make you wonder if your brain realises you said it out loud. So instead of a normal blog, here's a list of some of the strangest things said in the last 16 months:

Don't sit on curly!

This doesn't belong in the stickle hippo...

How's the consistency of the poo?

That amount of sick isn't too bad...

He shot me with his poo cannon!

That crocodile sounds terrible.

The school bus driver doesn't go in your mouth.

I think this toy should be called pineapple B skellig...

They've stopped doing the jiggle wiggle!

The nappy exploded...

Mickey looks like he's planning something...

I seem to have forgotten how to count up to 3.

I think we should name the Zebra, Winston. Do you think anyone will get the ghostbusters reference?

I think the cookie jar is melting my brain...

That bear should be called pierre.
I think he looks French.

That's some of the highlights, there'll be more posts with this sort of thing on the future as soon as the subconscious unlocks it.

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